Build Your Writing Career from Start to Finish

No one writing career path looks like any other. You'll have to find your own way to success, and that starts by defining what that means to you. We can help!

If you have ever written anything, your writing career has already started.

But where do you go from here. Should you try Indie or Traditional publishing? Do you want to write full time, part time, or just as a hobby? These decisions affect how you build your author career.

A career just means your life path to success as a writer, but that means starting with definitions.

What do you mean by author success? What do you really want from your writing? How much does money matter to you as a part of your path to success? Do you want blockbuster sales, lots of titles, or do you just have one book you feel you are the only one to write?

However you define success, you will then need to define your goals and milestones along the way. We have courses, live events, and even coaching that can help you every step of the way.

FEATURED: SEO for Authors

This comprehensive course guides you through the entire process of understanding SEO, why authors should care, and actionable steps you can take to make your site rank well on Google and other search engines.

You'll learn what all those SEO terms mean and everything from basic SEO and link building to advanced SEO that can help you take your website to the next level. Only $297 for a limited time.

Check it out today!

Author Aware - a course for everyone

This FREE course is an essential one for every author to take -- and it's free. It's an unfortunate truth that since the day people started writing, other people started scamming. We'll talk about ways to identify and avoid scams in the publishing industry, featuring our own Jana S. Brown

Getting the news out!

In one of our free courses, we examine the basics of starting a newsletter. Where do you start? What service do you use, or do you need one? Where do you find subscribers anyway? Find answers to these questions and more in this FREE course!

The Art of the Pivot

Sometimes, you just have to pivot in life and beyond. In this free webinar, we talk about some of our publishing and life pivots, how to know when you need to pivot, what causes a pivot, and how to execute one. Join us! FREE

Discover Memberships that Fit Your Lifestyle

Want more from our community? Membership tiers are the answer. We have a plan for everyone. You can join the community for free, but memberships unlock more rewards, content, and opportunities.*


The Curiosity Seeker


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Time to Get Serious


You want to level up your career, and want our help to do so

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10% discount on editing and coaching*

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Coaching and discounts on editing require an annual membership

The Story Genius Level


You want to be a Story Genius and improve your career and writing

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1 FREE coaching call per quarter*

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15% discount on editing and coaching*

Coaching and discounts on editing require an annual membership

Curiosity Seeker


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5% off recorded courses and live events

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Discounts on advanced courses and training

Time to Get Serious


You want to level up your career, and want our help to do so

FREE access to all BASIC courses

10% off recorded courses and live events

10% discount on editing and coaching

Limited FREE coaching

The Story Genius Level


You want to be a Story Genius and improve your career and writing

FREE access to all intermediate courses

1 FREE coaching call per quarter

20% off recorded and live events

20% discount on editing and coaching

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We want to do more than teach writers. We want to connect with them and build a safe, inclusive community for authors in all stages of their careers.


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